- Specialty
- Orthopaedics
- Medical School
- University of South Florida
- Phone
- (407) 333-4507
- Practice
- Florida Orthopaedic Associates
Stephen Reed excelled in science. While he loved the testing and analysis, there was something missing... people. A teacher in high school began teaching from a medical physiology book and it blended together Reed's love for science and people. He became part of a Boy Scout Medical Explorers post and volunteered at his local hospital. The exposure he received through that program inspired him to become a doctor. After observing different surgeons in the operating room, he was most intrigued with orthopaedics. It is a "hands on" specialty where the results are quickly seen and easily measured.
Dr. Reed also enjoys the relationships he builds with his patients. The rewards of his career are being able to see patients resume activities without pain, and know that he played a part in that process.
The Central Florida area is a perfect place for Stephen Reed to follow his commitment to people. He loves to practice in hospitals that are large enough to provide the services needed, but small enough to know the staff that cares for his patients. He also likes to work with hospital personnel in developing systems and procedures for the improvement of patient outcomes.
Dr. Reed and his wife have 4 children and love the family atmosphere of this area. If you can't find him in the office or at the hospital, he's probably on a field somewhere cheering on his favorite player.